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Winter 2023 • courtesy the School Liaison • [Email:] 

Impact Aid Survey Cards

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Every year local school districts must apply for Federal Impact Aid funds from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds compensate school districts for the loss of local tax dollars from tax-exempt federal property in the area.

Schools must conduct a federal residence and employment survey on a yearly basis to obtain a current count of families in the district who live on/or work on federal property. This survey is critical to each district’s resources for students. The results of the Impact Aid survey help support each district’s request for these federal funds. 

The school district only reports the number of students living with families who live on and/or work on federal property. Schools do not report information about individual students in the Federal Impact Aid application. 

Contact your child’s school office if you need a new form or have questions about how to complete the survey.

For more information about the Federal Impact Aid program: How the Impact Aid Program Helps LEAs • Military OneSource

Tips to Navigate Special Education Process in Washington State


One of PAVE’s programs, Parent Training and Information (PTI), helps Washington families be the best advocates they can be for children who need special education support. PTI does this by providing information, training, resources, and individualized support to help parents/caregivers understand their rights and responsibilities, navigate school, and connect with community resources.

For families new to Washington State (or anyone wanting a refresher), this article includes state-specific information about special education systems. Information about how to contact PAVE for support is included at the end of this article.

Learn More ⇒

Scholarship Season

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Do you have a graduating senior or college student? Do you have a high school junior that is planning to attend college? If so, take a look at the military connected scholarship list. Seniors and college students can apply for scholarships for the next academic year according to each organizations criteria. For juniors, reviewing the list and knowing what scholarships they can apply for helps be better prepared for next year. 

Read More ⇒

Kindergarten Registration 


If your child will be five years old on or before 31 August, you can enroll your child in school in Washington State. Even though kindergarten is optional in Washington, it is the first opportunity that all families have to participate in public education. If you need assistance in finding your child’s school, contact the School Liaison Office. To register for school, you will need the child’s birth certificate, vaccination records, and proof of address (lease agreement, utility bill, etc.) Most schools offer online registration through the district’s website. Each district opens kindergarten enrollment in the next month or two, so be watching their website or district social media.

The Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) is a transition process that helps to ensure a successful start to the K-12 experience and connect the key adults in a child’s life. It has three components: Family Connection, Whole-child Assessment, and Early Learning Collaboration. Teachers will contact families to set up one-on-one meetings as school starts in the fall as part of WaKIDS.

You can help your child prepare for kindergarten by using this checklist:

Download Checklist ⇒

MIC3 101

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The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children was developed jointly by The Council of State Governments’ National Center for Interstate Compacts and the U.S. Department of Defense, with input from policy experts, national associations, teachers, school administrators, military families, and federal, state, and local officials. The Compact eases interstate education transition challenges encountered by the children of active-duty service members such as enrollment, eligibility, placement, and graduation. On average, military students will attend six to nine different school systems from kindergarten to 12th grade.

The Commission is offering free monthly Compact 101 training sessions on Zoom. The sessions are open to anyone and provide a brief history of the Compact and how the provisions support education transition for military students. Attendees will receive a workbook and resource materials to assist them as they learn about the Compact.

View Calendar ⇒

Deployment Resources for Families

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Military families know how to stand strong, but the stresses of deployment can bring extra challenges. Military OneSource has a wide array of information and services designed to support military families.

Check out the article, Supporting Your Military Children Through the Deployment Cycle, and find resources such as Sesame Street for Military Families at this link: Military Deployment Resources for Families • Military OneSource

Military Child Education Coalition Parent Programs

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The Military Child Education Coalition announces a series of Parent Education Webinars for military-connected parents and professionals who work in support of military-connected children. These webinars are open to all interested participants and offer research-based information and ideas for participants.

Mark your calendars and register for the webinar that fits your needs. Once you’ve registered, you will be able to view the live webinar or watch a recorded presentation after the recording is processed.

Webinar topics:

  • OnDemand – Mental/Behavioral Health Challenges for Military-Connected Youth: Building Your Personal and Community-Based Toolbox of Resources with SME Lisa Howard
  • OnDemand – Use the Power of Media to Support Your Parenting 


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Tap or scan with your phone

Visit and click on the webinar topic to register. Most webinars Tuesday or Wednesday at 9 a.m.

Updated Email Address

Our email address has changed. We want to ensure you can connect with us when you need, so please update our contact information in case you need to reach us:

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