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Housing Health & Safety

Navy Housing Service Centers (HSCs) provide support with issue resolution for customers living in military, privatized and community housing.

We stand ready to serve as your:

  • Navy advocate for you and your family when housing maintenance, health or safety issues arise
  • Independent mediator to help you and your landlord communicate when there is an issue and facilitate a mutually-agreed upon resolution
  • Liaison to military leadership and legal offices to address issues that cannot be resolved using our services

Contact your HSC if you have a housing complaint or need resolution on a housing issue.

425-304-3402 or


Molds are a type of fungus found just about everywhere - on plants, mulch and even foods. They are beneficial to the environment because they break down dead material. Certain types of mold have proven extremely valuable in the production of antibiotics. Molds produce spores, very tiny and lightweight reproductive bodies that travel easily through the air. When molds are present in large numbers, they may cause symptoms in some people that are similar to allergies caused by plant pollens. Molds rarely affect healthy people. In fact, we are exposed to molds and spores every day. If mold is growing on a surface, spores may spread into the air where they can be inhaled. Some people who ingest or inhale a large number of spores may have health effects, often producing symptoms like hay fever. Some routine measures will help prevent mold growth in your home.


Window Safety

Warm weather and the urge to open a window pose a potential danger that many people don't realize until it's too late – window falls.

Teach children about the hazards of playing near an open window and make sure they understand that a screen will not stop them from falling. Additional safety tips and resources are linked below.


Lead Based Paint (LBP)

Are you planning to buy or rent a home built before 1978?

Many houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains lead (called lead-based paint). Lead from paint, chips, and dust can pose serious health hazards if not taken care of properly.

Federal law requires that individuals receive certain information before renting or buying a pre-1978 housing:

  • LANDLORDS must disclose known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards before leases take effect. Leases must include a disclosure form about lead-based paint.
  • SELLERS must disclose known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards before selling a house. Sales contracts must include a disclosure form about lead-based paint. Buyers have up to ten days to check for lead hazards.


Disaster Preparedness (Earthquakes & Floods)

Disasters are major events that can strike anywhere and at any time. In a disaster, traditional 9-1-1 and First Responder capabilities such as fire, police, medics, and utility personnel will be overwhelmed and unable to immediately assist individuals.

Preparing your family and neighborhood is vital. Family members and neighbors will likely be the first ones to offer you assistance. Families and neighbors that are prepared are more effective in their response to a disaster and have an increased capacity to be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours after a disaster.


Wellness & Preventive Medicine

Naval Station Everett - Preventive Medicine - Bldg. #2010

Preventive Medicine Offices on Naval Station, Everett provide services for the active duty and civilian components of the base and their families. We inspect food service venues, screening of the employees that work there and verifying that all food service policies are appropriate and fall into proper regulations. We inspect berthing on the base, ensuring that the active-duty Sailors are living in a clean and sanitary room. We inspect day care facilities, including home day cares associated with the military, ensuring that the children enrolled are in a healthy and safe environment. We consult with patients that have been exposed to a few different illnesses, also providing information for travelers going outside of the United States. We schedule and oversee the influenza immunization during peak time of October through December. Finally, we perform water and ice testing on ice machines and water points on Naval Station and the MWR locations associated with it. We also can be called upon in a consulting role for pest control, disease surveillance, Sanitation issues and other informational requests on a case by case basis.

We cannot spray pesticides within the boundaries of the US, unless under emergency contingency operations. We do not identify species of mold, asbestos, fungus or any other invasive plant or animal. We can, however, refer personnel to the proper channels to have these issues that arise investigated and rectified. If there are any questions on the scope of our services and what we might be able to provide, even if just a point of contact for a 'straight answer', please do get in touch with us at:

(425) 304-4084


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